Tutorial de ©Creative Graphic  Original Aqui

Traduzido no PSP X8


Materiais Necessários:

Tube de Maryse

Mask de Narah. Narah distribue seus trabalhos AQUI.

Plugins Utilizados:

Simple / Blintz & Centre Tile

AP 01[Innovations] / Lines - SilverLining

Toadies / What Are You?

It@lian Editors Effect / Effetto Fantasma


Abra a Mask no  PSP e minimize

Abra o Brush no PSP e exporte como Custom Brush

Copie a "Styled Line"  e cole na pasta de Styled Lines do PSP


Primeiro Plano cor#c10007

Segundo Plano cor #ffffff

Forme um Gradiente estilo Sunburst

01- Abra  "alpha-maryse"  esta layer contém seleções em canal alfa.

Window / Duplicate (ou shift+D) / Feche o original

Preencha com o Gradiente

Adjust/ Blur / Gaussian Blur / 45

Effects / Plugins / Simple / Blintz

Edit / Repeat Blintz

Effects / Edge Effects/ Enhance

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Preset Side by Side

02- Layers / Duplicate

Opacidade / 50

Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical ( Image / Flip em versões anteriores)

Layers / Merge / Merge Down

03- Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel / Sélection 1

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugins / Plugin AP 01[Innovations] / Lines - SilverLining

Effects / Image Effects /Seamless Tiling / Default

Layers / Duplicate

 Blend Mode / "Overlay"

04- Clique na layer inferior

Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel / Selection 2

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections /Select None

Effects / Plugins / Toadies / What Are You? / X-dose 39 / Y-dose 20

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen More

 Blend Mode / "Luminance (Legacy)"

05- Ative a layer inferior

Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel / Selection 3

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugins / Simple / Centre Tile

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow : 10 / 10 / 50 / 5,00 /Cor #000000

 Blend Mode / "Soft Light"

06- Mude a cor do Segundo Plano para #000000

Clique na Layer do topo

Layers / New Raster Layer

Preencha com a cor do Segundo Plano

Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image / Narah_mask_0842.jpg

Layers / Merge / Merge Group

07- Mude a cor do Segundo Plano para #ffffff

Layers / New Raster Layer

Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel / Selection 4

Preencha a seleção com a cor do Segundo Plano

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugins / It@lian Editors Effect / Effetto Fantasma / Sposta- X 102 / Sposta Y 85

Effects / 3D Effects /Drop Shadow: Cor #c10007

08- Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Distortion Effects / Wave

Effects / Plugins / Plugin AP 01[Innovations] / Lines - SilverLining

Opacidade /  60

09- Layers / New Raster Layer

Paint Brush Tool / "brush_Maryse"  Size: 371

Carimbe duas vezes com a cor do Segundo Plano :

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 25 /37 / 37 /20,00 / Cor #000000

10-  Primeiro Plano cor #c10007

Layers / New Raster Layer

Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel / Sélection 5

Preencha a seleção com a cor do Primeiro Plano

Selections / Select None

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen More

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0 / 0 / 30 / 20,00 / Cor #000000

11- Mude a cor do Primeiro Plano para #000000

Layers / New Raster Layer

Pen Tool / Mode: Draw Lines and Poly Lines / Linestyle Dot (Corel_13_022) / Width 3

Trace duas linhas com a cor do Segundo Plano , como segue:

Layers / Convert to Raster Layer

12- Mude a cor do Primeiro Plano para #c10007

Layers / New Raster Layer

Selection Tool / Rectangle / Custom Selection:

Flood Fill Tool / Opacidade  30

Preencha a seleção com a cor do Primeiro Plano

Opacidade do Flood Fill  100

Mantenha a seleção!!!

13- Layers / New Raster Layer

Selections / Modify / Select Selection Borders:

Preencha a seleção com a cor do Segundo Plano

Selections / Select None

Layers / Merge / Merge Down

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0 / 0 / 60 / 10,00 /Cor#000000

Blend Mode / "Hard Light"

Opacidade / 80

14- Abra o Tube "déco-maryse-1"

Copie e Cole como nova layer

Posicione como segue:

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow; 0 / 0 / 60 / 5,00 / Cor#000000

15- Abra o  Tube "déco-maryse-2"

Copie e Cole como nova layer

Posicione como segue:

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow; 0 / 0 / 60 / 5,00 / Cor#000000

16- Abra o Tube "MR_Ekaterina"

Copie e Cole como nova layer

Image / Resize / 65% / Resize all Layers not checked

Não Mova!

Layers / Duplicate

Adjust/ Blur / Gaussian Blur / 30

 Blend Mode / "Screen"

Layers / Move / Move Down

17- Image / Add Borders / Symmetric marcado / 2 pixels cor #ffffff

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric marcado /  3 pixels cor #c10007

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric marcado / 25 pixels cor #ffffff

Selecione essa borda com a Varinha Mágica (Tolerance / 0 )

Selections / Invert

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow : 0 / 0 / 100 / 20,00 /Cor  #000000

Selections / Select None

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric marcado / 1 pixel cor #000000

18- Image / Resize / Width 900 Pixels / Resize all Layers marcado

Adicione o seu nome ou a sua marca d'água

Layers / Merge / Merge All

Salve como JPG


©Tutorial Traduzido por Estela Fonseca 05/02/2016.
Obrigada Linnette por me permitir traduzir seu trabalho.