Tutorial de ©Narah - Original  Aqui

Tutorial realizado e traduzido na versão PSP X9.



Materiais Necessários:

Tube "Alies 1VR659i-woman-14092013.pspimage"


Demais Materiais de Narah

Plugins Utilizados:

Medhi / Wavy Lab / Sorting Tiles

Simple / Blintz**

AP 01 [Innovations] / Lines - Silverling

VM Natural / Sparkle**

Carolaine and Sensibility / cs_texture

Italian Editors Effect / Effetto Fantasma**

Nik Software / Color Efex Pro 3.0 Complete / Color Stylizer

** Importados para o Unlimited 2


Abra o tube no PSP, duplique e feche o Original. Remova a Marca d'água apenas da cópia do tube.

Tabela de Cores:


1. Abra "Narah_Sparkles_AlphaChannel" , duplique e feche o original (esta layer contém seleções em canal alfa)

2. Primeiro Plano cor 1 (#000201) / Segundo Plano cor 2 (#00d75e)

3. Effects / Plugins / Medhi / Wavy Lab / Radial: 5 / 0 / 0

4. Effects / Plugins / Medhi / Sorting Tiles: 150-300 / 300 / Plus

5. Effects / Plugins / Simple / Blintz

6. Effects / Reflection Effects / Rotation Mirror: 0 / 180 / Wrap

7. Selections / Save/Load Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selección #1.

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer.

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugins / AP 01 [Innovations] / Lines-SilverLining: Vertical / 6 / -1 / 10 / 0 / 0 / 0

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Resize / 80% ... Resize all layers... Desmarcado

Objects / Align / Bottom (Ou mover para a borda inferior)


Ative as Layers "Promoted Selection"

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0 / 0 / 80 / 20,00 / #000000

Ative a Layer "Copy of Promoted Selection"

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0 / 0 / 80 / 20,00 / #000000

8. Ative a layer "Raster 1" (Layer do Fundo)

Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel:Selección #2.

Effects / Plugins / VM Natural / Sparkle: 11 / 255 / 255 / 255 / 255 / 198

Selections / Select None

9. Ative a Layer "Promoted Selection"

Effects / Plugins / Nik Software / Color Efex Pro 3.0 Complete / Color Stylizer

Cor #64c132 / Contrast 49% / Saturation 47%

(Nota: A cor depende das cores utilizadas no trabalho. Podem mudar os valores de Contrast e Saturation.)

Resultado até agora:

10. Ative a layer "Raster 1"

Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #3

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugins / Carolaine & Sensibility / cs_texture / Default

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal (Image / Mirror em versões anteriores)

Layers / Merge / Merge Down

11. Filtro Italian Editors Effect / Effetto Fantasma / 20 / 20

12. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Mirror Ghost

Blend Mode / Multiply (ou outro dependendo das cores usadas).

13. Ative a Layer "Promoted Selection"

Abra o tube "Narah_Sparkles_Deco1" copie e cole como nova layer

Não Mova!!!

Layers / Duplicate

Layers / Arrange / Bring to Top

14. Ative a layer do topo

Abra o tube "Narah_Sparkle_Text"  copie e cole como nova layer.

Effects / Image Effects / Offset: -328 / -127 / Custom e Transparent ... Marcados

15. Ative a layer <<Copy of Promoted Selection>>

Abra o tube <<Alies 1VR659i-woman-14092013.pspimage>> Copie e Cole como nova layer

Image / Resize / 80% / Resize ... All Layers ... Desmarcado

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Layers / Duplicate

Layers / Arrange / Bring to Top

16. Ative a layer <<Copy of Raster 2 >> (a copia do Deco 1)

Ative a <<Varinha Mágica>> e clique no centro da elipse

Selections / Invert

Ative a Layer do tube <<Copy of Raster 4>>

Ative a Borracha  (Eraser Tool)

Apague a parte de baixo do tube

Selections / Select None

Resultado da Palete das Layers:

17. Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor 1 #000201

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado /3 pixels cor 3 #ffffff

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor 1 #000201

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 15 pixels cor 2 #00d75e

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixels cor 1 #000201

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 35 pixels cor 3 #ffffff

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixels cor 1 #000201

18. Abra <<Narah_Sparkles_Deco2>> Copie e Cole como nova layer

Não Mova!

(Se usar outros tubes pode colorir usando o efeito: Adjust/ Hue and Saturation / Hue/Saturation/Lightness.)

19. Assine seu trabalho. Adicione a marca d'água de <<Narah's Tutorials>>

Layers / Merge / Merge All

Salve como JPG.

Versão com tube de Ysa:


© 2018 Tutorial criado por Narah e Traduzido por Estela Fonseca.
Não alterar nem repassar sem autorização.